Remote Attendance & 2 Hour Delays

Remote Attendace Picture

Remote Attendance & 2 Hr Delays

Remote Days

The Career Center has now activated its Remote Attendance policy and procedures. All students have been assigned to an attendance class in Google Classroom.

Beginning Jan 31, 2022, any announced or scheduled Remote Day, all students are required to complete an assigned attendance Google form by 10:00 a.m. of that day. If you are unable to access the online form, you must call the school office (740-622-0211) and check-in before 10:00 a.m. If you do neither of the attendance procedures, you will be counted absent for that school day.

In addition to completing your attendance for Remote Days, all students are required to check all their other Google Classrooms or contact sources for that day’s remote assignments from their lab and academic instructors. All required work is to be completed by 2:30 p.m. for that day’s assignments unless prior arrangements have been made with the instructor(s).

2 Hour Delay Day Attendance Requirement

On each 2-Hour Delay day, all students will need to login to Google Attendance Classroom and complete the attendance form prior to 10:00 a.m. This will allow us to avoid accumulating hours which could otherwise result in adding “make-up” days to the school year.