Staff Directory
Coshocton C.A.R.E.S
Pricipal's Office Secretary
Intervention Specialist
Mr. Tyler Bardall is a graduate of Dover High School (2017). After graduation Mr. Barda...
Intervention Specialist
Mr. Rusty Bluck has been employed by the Coshocton County Career Center since August 2018.
Public Relations
Culinary Arts Instuctor
Mr. Mike Cichon has been teaching our Culinary Arts program since 2005. He earned his A...
Electrical Systems Technology Instructor
Mr. Todd Cognion is the instructor for this program.He is a 1987 graduate of Ridgewood ...
Education Parapro
Science Teacher
Mr. Trevor Garretson has been employed by the Coshocton County Career Center since Augu...
Early Childhood Education Instructor
Mrs. Megan Grimm is our Early Childhood Education instructor and began teaching our TEA...
School Nurse
NICS IT Instructor
Mr. Bryan Hardesty begins his employment at the Coshocton County Career Center in Augus...
Auto Technology Instructor
English Teacher
Miss Kassidy Meek begins her emplyment at the Coshocton County Career Center in August ...
Math Instructor
Cosmetology Instructor
Superintendent's Secretary
Math Instructor
Robert Miller is married to Kristin and they have three beautiful daughters, ...
Health Technologies Instructor
Mrs. Deb Moore has joined the Career Center Staff as the Health Technologies Instructor...
Mr. Marcus Olinger has been employed by the Coshocton County Career Center since 2022.&...
Social Studies Teacher
Ms. Karen Overholt has been employed by the Coshocton County Career Center since August...
Special Education Coordinator
Mr. Jason Prater is a graduate of Ridgewood High School and Muskingum University. He ha...
Curriculum Coordinator
Assistant Cook
Criminal Justice Instructor
Mr. Craig Reveal has been employed by the Coshocton County Career Center since August 2...
Building Technology Instructor
Mr. Brad Sarchet has been has been employed by the Career Center since 1996. He is a...

CSI Instructor
Nick Shaw graduated from Coshocton High School in 2009 and attended Urbana Univers...
Professional Bio Mr. Slaughter graduated from Muskingum University in 2011 with a B.A....
English Teacher
Mrs. Angie Smoulder has been employed by the Coshocton County Career Center since Augus...
Education Parapro
Maintenance Supervisor
Head Cook
Intervention Specialist
Mr. Neal Wears has been employed by the Coshocton County Career Center since August 201...
Director of Technology
Business & Medical Office Technology
Angela Wright is a 1999 graduate of Ridgewood High School and completed the Business &a...
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